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Delve into a sensory adventure with our Wagyu Stars Boneless New York Strip. This choice cut exhibits a luxurious 8+ marbling score and a solid 14 oz serving, offering a succulent, velvety feast that's simply out of this world.

Our Northern Lights New York Strip is sourced from American-bred Wagyu cattle, delivering an unrivaled culinary experience. Like a cosmic wonder, the Wagyu Stars New York Strip is teeming with elements that elevate it to the realms of the extraordinary.

The Orion Nebula, often considered a celestial nursery, is where new stars are born from a complex interplay of cosmic particles mirroring our Wagyu Stars New York Strip. The intricate marbling weaves a web of fine fat flakes throughout the meat, each strand melting during cooking to impart a burst of flavor akin to a newborn star illuminating the cosmic sky.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Allow your New York Strip to reach room temperature before cooking - this usually takes around 30 minutes.

  2. Preheat your grill or skillet to high heat.

  3. Season the steak generously with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

  4. Cook the steak on the grill/skillet, searing each side for about 3 minutes for a robust crust.

  5. Lower the heat to medium and continue to cook for 4-5 minutes on each side for a medium-rare finish.

  6. Let the steak rest for 10 minutes after cooking. This allows the juices to reabsorb into the meat, leading to a more tender and flavorful steak.

Launch your taste buds into the cosmos with our Domestic USA Wagyu Stars Boneless New York Strip - a galaxy of gastronomical pleasure awaits. 

York Strip 8+ York Strip 8+ York Strip 8+ York Strip 8+ York Strip 8+ York Strip 8+